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EVENTAdvent Early Music Concert with Csaba Nagy

Advent Early Music Concert with Csaba Nagy

It's one of the most personal times of the year, when we focus on our family and friends. We find that a shared experience can help us move from our busy lives to calmer, more introspective days. That's why we have invited Csaba Nagy to Villa Gyetvai on 20 December, where his early music concert Contrasts - Two Portraits will transport us into an incomparable festive mood. 

This evening features works on period instruments by two different and rarely heard composers: one - Francesco da Milano - a celebrated lutenist of Renaissance Rome and the Papal Court, the other - Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger - an innovator and experimenter of early Baroque Rome. 

In between the intimate music of the lutes, the audience will hear a short introduction by the performer about the music of the time, the works and the two composers.  

About the artist:

Csaba Nagy began his musical studies in Szentendre. After graduating from the Kodály Zoltán Music Secondary School in Debrecen, he studied at the Academy of Music in Bratislava. As a lutenist he regularly gives solo and chamber music concerts in Hungary and abroad. As a soloist, his repertoire includes rarely heard and almost forgotten works from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, performed on period lutes (Renaissance and Baroque lute, vihuela, teorba). He is the founder of the Recercare Early Music Workshop and the Veszprém Early Music Days, performing medieval and renaissance music, of which he was the artistic director until 2017. He was a guitar teacher at the Dohnányi Ernő Music Secondary School in Veszprém until 2019, and currently teaches classical guitar and chamber music at the Antal Csermák Music School.

Date: 20 December 2024, Friday 18:00
Location: Villa Gyetvai, 8230 Balatonfüred, Deák Ferenc u. 23.
(bejárat az Erkel Ferenc utca felől)

The event is free of charge.

More information:
+36 20 482-3342
+36 30 949-2783


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