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EVENTChinese green tea tasting

Chinese green tea tasting

Knowledge of the tea plant Camellia sinensis dates back to prehistoric times in China. The tea made from its leaves is part of their life, religion, culture and traditional medicine, which is still practised today. Erzsébet Simon, Herend porcelain designer and tea expert, who has visited numerous tea plantations, poses the question: "Can I say that as tea and cup can be written as one word, they can also be enjoyed and recommended at the same time? 

If you are interested, Elisabeth will be happy to invite you to Villa Gyetvai for a tasting of Chinese green tea made from the first three leaves of the plant's spring bud.

Erzsébet Simon studied porcelain design and became interested in the tradition of drinking tea, the expectations of cups and teapots, and the tea masters. She embarked on a journey to learn more about the subject. First to Jingdezhen in China, known as the cradle of porcelain, and then to the most famous tea plantations in Longjing. Then to India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Korea and Japan.

Date: 26 September 2024, 16:00

Location: Villa Gyetvai, 8230 Balatonfüred, Deák Ferenc u. 23.

Price: HUF 9,000 per person, which includes the presentation and tasting, as well as a bottle of Villa Gyetvai wine to take home.

To buy your tickets online click HERE!

If you have any questions or would like to make a reservation, please contact us: or +36 30 949-2783.


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