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EVENTSándor Püski - Forever Free exhibition

Sándor Püski - Forever Free exhibition

Sok szeretettel meghívunk Püski Sándor grafikusművész Örökké Szabadon címet viselő önálló tárlatára, amelyet július 5-én nyitunk meg.

Born in Budapest, he graduated as a graphic designer from the Tömörkény István Vocational School of Fine and Applied Arts in Szeged and then worked as a graphic designer at the Kner Printing House in Békéscsaba. The recognition of his work is reflected in his inclusion in the Art Fund in 1986. In Hungary he has had solo exhibitions in Sárospatak, Hollóháza, Gyula, Budapest, Budapest Grand Hotel, Corvinus Kempinski and Danubius Hotel Astoria.

The Püski prints have also received international recognition, having been shown in exhibitions in Switzerland, the United States, Germany, Finland and Norway. His works can be seen on the walls of the Hungarian Consulate General in Munich, the Hungarian Consulate General in New York, the Mayor's Office in Los Angeles, and other major corporate offices.

For the exhibition, he has selected twenty-five paintings on the themes of female portraits, nudes, flowers and horses.

You can find more information about the artist by visiting the following pages:

Facebook oldal: Sándor Püski
Facebook page: Sándor Püski Instagram page: puski_artist

Opening ceremony:
Időpont: 2024. július 5., péntek 18:00
Location: Villa Gyetvai, 8230 Balatonfüred, Deák Ferenc u. 23.
The exhibition will be opened by:
Dr. Nagy Andor, nagykövet
Free admission!

Free admission!

The exhibition will be open until 5 August during the Villa's opening hours, and you can taste Villa Gyetvai's wines during or after the exhibition, even while looking at the wonderful paintings.

Information: +36 30 654-1440, +36 30 949-2783


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