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NewsOur Kékfrankos wins gold at VinAgora

Our Kékfrankos wins gold at VinAgora

Although for most people Lake Balaton is still synonymous with white wine, we are doing our best to prove the region's strength in producing great red wines as well. That's why we are so pleased to receive feedback such as that from the VinAgora International Wine Competition, where our 2021 Kékfrankos was awarded a gold medal. 

This year seems to be an anniversary year in the world of wine competitions. We recently wrote about the Veszprém County Wine Competition, held for the 25th time this year, and now VinAgora, which will also be celebrating a quarter of a century in 2024. Here's what the organisers had to say about the anniversary: "This year's competition is special in many ways, including the quality of the wines, i.e. the extremely strong field, the composition of the jury and the exceptional atmosphere due to the celebration of the quarter-century anniversary. 25 years of experience might lead some to fall into routine, but the organisers are inspired and motivated by the constant need to innovate and keep up with the latest trends year after year".

VinAgora is an international wine competition held in Hungary. Most of the wines entered are Hungarian, but a quarter of the entries come from countries beyond our borders that are renowned for their great winemaking traditions, such as France, Italy, Spain and Australia. 

In such a strong field, we are proud to have been able to show what the Balatonfüred-Csopak wine region is capable of with a local blue grape variety, Kékfrankos. It has to be said that in every vintage there are wines that seem to show great promise from the moment they are harvested. In 2021, it was Kékfrankos that we were most excited about during fermentation. Fermentation and malolactic fermentation took place in tanks. It had a clean and intense aroma throughout fermentation and it's no coincidence that we always found ourselves standing in front of the tank talking about it. The wine was racked into barrels at the beginning of February and bottled in September, during the harvest.


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