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NewsHajnóczy wins gold medal at Winelovers Wine Awards

Hajnóczy wins gold medal at Winelovers Wine Awards

2023 was the first vintage of the single vineyard Hajnóczy Olaszrizling and following the Codex Single Vineyard Wine trademark it has received another award: it has won gold medal at the Winelovers Wine Awards based on the assessment of an international jury. The prestigious jury consisted of Masters of Wine, Master Sommeliers and WSET Diploma Wine Academics.

The third edition of the Winelovers Wine Awards, which the organisers hope will become the most important wine competition in Central and Eastern Europe, was held in Budapest.

This year the international jury of fifty-five judges tasted 868 wines, which were awarded in the following categories: Grand Gold: 95 points or more; Gold: 90-94.99 points; Silver: 87-89.99 points; Bronze: 84-86.99 points and Commended: 82-83.99 points.

"The quality of the wines entered for the Winelovers Wine Awards has improved compared to previous years. Dry white wines have not only moved ahead in consumption trends, but also in our country, and the use of barrels has become more sophisticated for red wines. The rise in quality is shown by the fact that only gold medal-winning wines are among the 100 best Hungarian wines", said László Bálint, President of the Winelovers Wine Awards.

Our 2023 Hajnóczy Olaszrizling was awarded a gold medal at this competition and was also included in the 100 Best Hungarian Wines 2024 edition published by the organisers.


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