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NewsBest of Cabernet Franc award at the Winelovers Wine Awards competition

Best of Cabernet Franc award at the Winelovers Wine Awards competition

The awards are confirmation that our wines are doing well and it is important to get feedback not only from consumers but also from the trade.

Now in its second year, the Winelovers Wine Awards aims to become the most important wine competition in Central and Eastern Europe and a major international event in the wine world.

Wines from 14 countries were entered in 2023, and the jury of 65 wine experts and winemakers represented 19 countries. Several of them are Master of Wine and there was also a Master Sommelier among them.

The Hungarian wines with the highest scores in the Winelovers Wine Awards have also been featured in the Winelovers 100 print magazine. The publication was created to promote the best Hungarian wines and to help consumers find points of reference in the wide range of wines on offer, enabling them to make the right choice.

Two of our wines won gold medals at the Winelovers Wine Awards and were included in the Winelovers 100 magazine. The 2021 Cabernet Franc was awarded 91 points and the 2021 Kékfrankos was awarded 90 points. The Villa Gyetvai Cabernet Franc also won the Best of Cabernet Franc award!

I am particularly pleased with the recognition of the Cabernet Franc as it was the last vintage of this grape in our vineyard. Unfortunately, we had to pull it out after 3-4 years of constant struggle. Who knows, maybe it sensed that this was its farewell performance and showed that it had one last trick up its sleeve. After the award we felt a bit of remorse.


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