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NewsThe best Sauvignon Blanc of Balatonfüred

The best Sauvignon Blanc of Balatonfüred

At least according to the expert judges of the Balatonfüred Wine Competition, who awarded our Sauvignon Blanc 2023 a grand gold medal. This recognition is important for us because, although we take great care in the production of all our wines, Sauvignon Blanc always receives special attention as it is one of the most popular wines of our winery.

The Balatonfüred Wine Competition was organised by the local municipality for the thirty-third time this year. Around 320 wines were submitted by local winegrowers, which were judged by producers from our region and other invited experts.

Commenting on the competition, Mrs. Balogh Mónika Király, president of the Balatonfüred-Szőlős Wine Community, told Wine and Market magazine: "The 2023 vintage was very good, and this was reflected in the quality of the wines that were judged. Where there were no damaging weather conditions, such as hail, and if the winemaker was constantly vigilant in the vineyard, there were no particular problems. But where the grower was less attentive and could not apply proper crop protection, the grapes were affected by mildew or peronospora. So good wine could be taken for granted, and in 2023 the quality was good as well as the quantity".

Winning a medal at an international or national wine competition is always a big deal. But a wine competition in a wine region is interesting in another way, because everyone starts from a level playing field, as the grapes are grown in close proximity. There are some differences among the individual vineyards, but the weather, topography and soil conditions have a lot in common. So for us, to do well in a wine competition in a wine region means that we have made the most of the vintage and the natural conditions. That's why it was such a joy in the cellar when we heard that our Sauvignon Blanc 2023 had won a grand gold medal.


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